
Sergei Tolkachev
3 min readMay 22, 2022

Very often, in order to minimize our risks when opening our own business, we open it in partnership. Many people think it’s bad, many think it’s good. In fact, this is neither bad nor good — it’s normal. If it is necessary in your case — use it.

If one of the partners is well versed in marketing, and the second techie understands the complex product that they are going to sell, then in this case the partnership cannot be avoided. This union will benefit both one and the second partner, because each of them alone will face difficulties with the second component of the business, and this may hinder him in the development of his business.

The only thing I want to warn you about choosing partners from classmates is that you will most likely have the same mindset. Let’s take a closer look at the problems that may arise in such an alliance.

Problem #1
The first problem that arises when deciding to start such a business is the worldview. Often, people studying in one specialized institution (faculty of a university or institute, business school, courses) look at the things around them in approximately the same way and generally treat everything in approximately the same way.

Problem #2
Single-profile specialists are strong in their field, but in this case, the lack of necessary knowledge and experience in, for example, the practical implementation of an idea, will lead to failure. Any project needs technologists — those who will build everything. And you also need someone who knows everything about the market that the business claims. Whoever can present the product in the best light will communicate with the press and people.

Problem #3
You and your friend may have the same interests, but you don’t know anything about his values. In the process of learning, it may seem to you that the people around you have the same values, views, and principles. After all, you had so much fun when you studied together, but! Until you ask each other direct, hard, specific questions, you are at great risk. The very disagreements that did not manifest themselves before will surely surface at the most important moment for the company.

Problem #4
Business is always fraught with nerves and in itself is an ideal source of conflict. Do you think that you and your friend have an absolutely identical outlook on doing business, and he will go with you to the end? Not at all. Each person has his own line, beyond which he no longer dares to cross. We each have our own risk tolerance.

Problem #5
Last but not least, you may actually know a person much worse than you think. Try to conduct a short survey among your acquaintances on this topic. The vast majority of people believe that they know their surroundings well. However, if you ask him if those around him know him, then the answer will be unequivocal “no”. And it is true.

Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to pull you down.



Sergei Tolkachev

Entrepreneur, businessman, owner of two companies. CEO of Home Robot LLC (2017-present)